Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Less government is the best government.

Our participatory democracy is slipping away as we move to a massive and overwhelming centralized authority.

Throughout history there have really only been two forms of government. Ours is based on a participatory model where “we the people” have command over our leaders; our leaders serve us. This power is slipping away day by day as “change” tries to take root.

The left is trying to push our nation’s power from the hands of its people to our increasingly omnipotent leaders, where it is us who feed and serve the government. The push to this centralized authoritative model is ever more obvious whenever you see what the left is trying to pull off with the Democrats in both houses as their vehicle for “change.”

What you eat…
What you say…
How much money you are allowed to earn…
What you use to defend yourself…
What you drive…
How much energy you use…
Your healthcare…
Our educational system…
What you read, listen to on the radio, watch on TV and view on the Internet…
Our financial and banking systems…
Our energy, retail and manufacturing companies…
The temperature of your surroundings…
Right down to what light bulb you have to use in your own home…

All these things are either completely controlled or in the process of being controlled by the left. Notice if the left doesn’t control something, it is deemed evil and in need of regulation by the government. We’ll use Wal-Mart and “Big Oil” as examples of this observation.

However, it seems that everything the left already controls is a disaster... Education, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac anyone?

Oh yes, any company that is profitable is evil, yet failed government pet projects are bailed out. Because punishing success and rewarding failure is the American Socialist way. I’m hearing Twilight Zone music as I write this.

We are on the verge of seeing “change” beyond anything this nation has ever seen and there just might be enough “useful idiots” to willingly vote it in.

A massive government that will regulate and control every aspect of your life is what we will have when we vote our freedom away. When the left convince us that American society is so evil and corrupt that the common man can no longer succeed without government intervention and regulation to make things “fair.” We will have lost our soul.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Back in the USSR!

As Russia flexes its renewed muscle, what will the west do?

Hey libs, you want to see war for oil? Stay tuned to this first move by your comrades.

This is just the beginning of a bolder and more aggressive Russia and China for that matter. While Russia and China assertively go after and gather up energy and resources from around the world to build their strength; America and the West consistently restrict and weaken themselves through welfare societies and self imposed economic constraints.

Russia’s invasion of a tiny country is just the first move in the new game of chess and the Russians and Chinese are the owners of the board. Is there any doubt that this invasion has nothing to do with South Ossetia and everything to do with a pro-Western country wanting entry into NATO? A country that “by the way” has a major oil pipeline “the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan” running through its borders.

We are in for a rude awakening when we punish, impede and demonize the very mechanisms that provide our independence and economic stability. I'm speaking of "the evil" Big Oil.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Republicans Revolt on the Hill - Part II

Will the Republicans stick it out this time? If so, for how long?

After the Republicans went home at 5PM last Friday, I had lost "hope" that they were serious about making a stand. Well, they seem to be back and ready to fight. Lets "hope" this time they stick it out; we shall see. I for one do not have my "hopes" up.

If they do indeed stick it out, I think this just might wake some people up. I agree that this is really just about forcing Obama to vote and expose himself one way or the other. It has to be, the ban on off shore drilling is due to expire in the next few weeks anyway. The only reason to vote is to flush Berry out.

If he votes "si"... The greenie left "his wacko base" will have a fit. If he votes no... McCain can use that against him and expose him to the now 75% of Americans that want to start drilling immediately.

Up until now, Berry has been able to have it both ways. Things like this force him to take a position; something Berry has avoided thus far.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Si Se Puede Berry

Odd, how no one calls out Obama for what he really is. A good ol' fashion Marxist Socialist.
Can we say it? Si se puede Berry, you are a Communist.

Time and time again we see Berry associating himself with those who hate this country and want to dismantle it...

Maria Isabel (Pictured above with Berry himself) Notice the Che Guevara flag on the wall in the background. .

In case you did not know… Che Guevara was Castro’s state sponsored hit man.

Che Guevara was responsible for the execution of thousands of political prisoners in Cuba (most of them purely for their opposition to Castro's communist policies or for no reason at all).

Che Guevara enjoyed torturing and abusing the prisoners, including children.

Che Guevara was instrumental in setting up the Castro regime's massive forced labor camps and secret police apparatus.

Che Guevara tried to organize campaigns of terrorism against civilians in the US and elsewhere (though he largely failed in these efforts).

Far from being merely a Third World nationalist or pragmatic leftist, he was a committed, hard-line Stalinist, even going so far as to call himself "Stalin II" early in his career.

Apparently Maria Isabel is no "low-level" volunteer either. She serves as a campaign 'precinct captain" and the co-chair of the Houston Obama Leadership Team.

The Obama Guevara similarities from their own mouths...

Michelle Obama at UCLA: "We live in isolation, and because of that isolation, we fear one another . . . Barack Obama is going to demand that you shed your cynicism, that you put down your division, that you come out of your isolation." "Barack Obama is going to demand that you" I'm sorry, what was that you said?

Che Guevara from the jumble of soporific gibberish titled "Socialism and Man in Cuba" and widely regarded as his Magnum Opus: "The most important revolutionary aspiration is to see human beings liberated from their alienation. Lack of education makes some take the solitary road toward satisfying their own personal ambitions . . .

Michelle Obama: "Barack Obama will require you to work . . . that you move out of your comfort zones, that you push yourselves to be better, and that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual uninvolved, uninformed. Barack Obama will require you” Huh? “Barack will never allow you” Say again?

Che Guevara: "The mass will carry out with matchless enthusiasm and discipline the tasks set by the government, whether in the field of the economy, culture, defense, sports, etc. With ideological education the individual will reach total consciousness as a social being."

Michelle Obama: "We have to fix our souls our souls are broken in this nation . . . We can change the world! We can! We can! We can!"

Che Guevara: "We must create a new consciousness, a New Man. We recognize the individual's quality of incompleteness, of being an unfinished product. The vestiges of the past are brought into the present in one's consciousness, and a continual labor is necessary to eradicate them . . . Society as a whole must be converted into a gigantic school."

More Communist support for Berry…

Joelle Fishman - Communist Party USA National Chair… Has his own blog on Obama’s official campaign site.


What more could you possibly need?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Republicans Revolt on the Hill

Grab your pitch forks and torches people, the time has come to stand with our leaders... Oh wait, nevermind!

Yesterday, Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) and other GOP leaders opposed the motion to adjourn the House, arguing that Pelosi's refusal to schedule a vote allowing offshore drilling is hurting the American economy. They have refused to leave the floor after the adjournment motion passed at 11:23 a.m., and they are busy bashing Pelosi and her fellow Democrats for leaving town for the August recess.

However, right at the stroke of five Georgia Rep. Tom Price announced that House Republicans were ending their impromptu protest on the floor of the chamber, ending a five-plus hour rebellion.

I dare say that I in deed had "hope" for those few hours. Yes, hope for change that the Republicans finally grew a set of testicles and were going to stand up for the American people for once. How is that for change? However, as I should have expected, they gave up and retreated home at 5pm. Wow, five hours of standing strong for the country. You guys are so brave and worthy of standing behind as we battle the forces of evil... NOT!!!

Isn't it funny?

If poor Berry could only walk on water, people just might vote for him. Oh, wait, does anyone know if Cris Angel is available for the VP spot?

Isn't it funny how...
*According to the libs.

  1. Energy costs are at an all time high.
  2. *The economy is a wreck.
  3. The housing market is collapsing.
  4. The dollar is collapsing.
  5. *We are all just moments away from dying in a fiery inferno do to your SUV causing Global Warming.
  6. *America has “failed” and “lost” a major war.
  7. *All of America “and the world for that matter” hates the evil Republicans.
  8. *The government is spying on everyone.
  9. *The evil Bush and his Republican cronies torture
    innocent people at the drop of a hat.
  10. *Oil companies and Wal-Mart control America. And we all know who supports them, don’t we?
  11. The media are ramming the Liberal message down our throats 24/7 and have become the varsity squad for the Obama campaign. They don’t even try to hide their bias anymore; cheerleading every word that exits his fork-tongued mouth and instantly attacking anyone who dares question his righteousness.

    Yet, Berry just can't seem to pull ahead in any of the polls running against a Republican. Alas, if only he could just wave his mighty hand and make it so?