Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Less government is the best government.

Our participatory democracy is slipping away as we move to a massive and overwhelming centralized authority.

Throughout history there have really only been two forms of government. Ours is based on a participatory model where “we the people” have command over our leaders; our leaders serve us. This power is slipping away day by day as “change” tries to take root.

The left is trying to push our nation’s power from the hands of its people to our increasingly omnipotent leaders, where it is us who feed and serve the government. The push to this centralized authoritative model is ever more obvious whenever you see what the left is trying to pull off with the Democrats in both houses as their vehicle for “change.”

What you eat…
What you say…
How much money you are allowed to earn…
What you use to defend yourself…
What you drive…
How much energy you use…
Your healthcare…
Our educational system…
What you read, listen to on the radio, watch on TV and view on the Internet…
Our financial and banking systems…
Our energy, retail and manufacturing companies…
The temperature of your surroundings…
Right down to what light bulb you have to use in your own home…

All these things are either completely controlled or in the process of being controlled by the left. Notice if the left doesn’t control something, it is deemed evil and in need of regulation by the government. We’ll use Wal-Mart and “Big Oil” as examples of this observation.

However, it seems that everything the left already controls is a disaster... Education, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac anyone?

Oh yes, any company that is profitable is evil, yet failed government pet projects are bailed out. Because punishing success and rewarding failure is the American Socialist way. I’m hearing Twilight Zone music as I write this.

We are on the verge of seeing “change” beyond anything this nation has ever seen and there just might be enough “useful idiots” to willingly vote it in.

A massive government that will regulate and control every aspect of your life is what we will have when we vote our freedom away. When the left convince us that American society is so evil and corrupt that the common man can no longer succeed without government intervention and regulation to make things “fair.” We will have lost our soul.

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